Established under Liechtenstein law, CAIAC Fund Management AG is a bank-independent fund management company.
It is authorised for the establishment, management, portfolio management, risk management, administration and distribution activities of investment funds within the meaning of
- Act on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM)
- Law on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive
- Act on Investment Undertakings (IU)
The limited company has paid-in share capital of CHF 1,000,000. Its registered office is in Bendern / Principality of Liechtenstein. It is a recognised specialist in the key fund centre of Liechtenstein for
- tailored private label funds
- specialised collective investment solutions
- alternative investment vehicles
The key people have a wealth of experience in the securities business and in-depth expertise in structuring of collective investment schemes. The company’s independent structure allows it to create individual and innovative fund solutions which are implemented quickly and efficiently. CAIAC Fund Management AG always strives to meet the highest quality standards, both in terms of client service and order processing.

CAIAC headquarters: Liechtenstein – a respected financial and fund centre
The Principality of Liechtenstein was founded in 1719 and is today a hereditary monarchy on a democratic and parliamentary basis.
Liechtenstein offers stability, networking, security, liberality, discretion, innovation and progress. As a member of the EEA, EFTA, UN and OSCE, Liechtenstein is a stable location in the middle of Europe.
- Quick and efficient, non-bureaucratic establishment of funds
- High investor protection
- EEA-compliant fund legislation
- International compatibility of Liechtenstein-based funds
In particular, due to its membership in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the resulting implementation of the relevant EU fund directives in the UCITS and AIFM Act, Liechtenstein benefits from harmonized and non-discriminatory access to the European market.

Member of the LAFV
The Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association (LAFV) was established in September 2000. Its mission is to support the development of Liechtenstein as an investment fund location, and to further improve its attractiveness for investment fund providers and investors. It is committed to promoting networking and representing the interests of the fund industry and the location itself, both domestically and abroad. CAIAC is an ordinary member of the LAFV and has a representative on the association’s Executive Committee to advocate for the goals and strengthen the standing of Liechtenstein as a fund centre.
Investment fund experts
CAIAC Fund Management AG is a specialist for bespoke Liechtenstein private label funds, specialised investment vehicles and alternative investments. It offers tailor-made, efficient and rapid solutions in all areas of collective investment instruments.
We offer you the autonomy you need.
Our international network will help you to select the right partner for your requirements. This enables you to leverage synergies while ensuring the optimal structure for your fund. As part of this process, we make sure that every stage of the collective investment fund value chain is covered.
We link different parties from various sectors to create a carefully balanced and modern investment vehicle that satisfies the highest standards.
Thanks to CAIAC’s close ties with its partners, we grant you access to a wide range of banks, brokers, asset managers, investment advisers, insurance companies, trustees, legal advisors, auditors and financial information systems.
CAIAC’s specialists will be happy to advise you.
Board of Executives

Tobias Ziel
Asset Management & Investment Compliance

Mag. oec. Philipp Schmutzhard, CFTe
Asset Management & Investment Compliance

Mag. iur. Wolfgang Mildner, LL.M.
General Counsel

Mag. oec. Alexander Haak
Senior Asset Valuation Officer

Susanna Jahn
Chief Administrative Officer, Human Resources
Board of Directors

Gerhard Lehner
President of the Board of Directors

Heinz Felder
Member of the Board

Ramona Schreiber
Member of the Board